Youtube----Part 3 !
Series-Part 3! Notice. Hi guys after a lot while we have come with another part of this youtube series and that is because we wanted to pick some of the unique channels this time. Also this time we have youtube channels which give 2 main genres which are mentioned. If you havn't watched earlier series click here to watch it.------ part 1 , part2 . Same like our earlier series we have a short info about the channels with their links. If you find them interesting you just have to click it. So lets begin. Songs+high graphics In our day to day lives we want some relaxation and for it we listen songs. Here are some of the great and unique channels for it. 1) Bolly3D -- We all like to listen high class music and this is the perfect channel for it. This channel gives us songs with 3 D effect for which you will have to wear headphones. After this is done the experience will be mind blowing!! Link--- Daba do mujhe. 2) T-series -- If you want to listen latest ...